Recovering From The FloodRecovering From The Flood

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Recovering From The Flood

There aren't many messes more overwhelming than a flood. In addition to worrying about how that moisture will affect your things long-term, you might also worry about mold and mildew growth, mud, and awful smells. When we experienced a giant house flood in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, we didn't know how we were going to cope. After we tried to clean things for a few days, we realized that we really needed the help of a professional. We contacted a damage contractor who was able to make things right in no time. On this site, you will find tips for how to clean up after a flood, so that you aren't left in a bind.

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How To Remove Urine From A Cashmere Rug

If one of your pets urinated on a cashmere rug in your house, you are going to want to act quickly so that your cashmere rug does not become stained nor develop an odor. 


You only need a few supplies for this quick cleaning job. You need a solution of biodegradable, non-toxic pet stain remover, which you can pick up in the cleaning section of your local grocery store. You are also going to need some old towel or rags as well as some paper towels. 

Absorb The Moisture

If you catch your pet in the act or soon after it happens, the first thing you need to do is focus on absorbing or mopping up the urine. Lift up the area of the rug that your pet urinated on, and place a folded up towel under the rug. Or, place a couple of towels on top of each other where the urine is located. You want enough layers so that the moisture can be absorbed without reaching the rug again. 

If you do this right after you catch your pet in the act, you should be able to prevent most of the urine from soaking into the rug and you will prevent the surface of the rug from becoming damaged. Even if you don't spot the puddle for a little while, completing this step will help mitigate damage to your cashmere rug. 

Apply The Cleaner

Next, take the container of biodegradable, non-toxic pet stain remover and pour or spray it directly onto the area where your pet urinated. Make sure that you apply it to the entire affected area; you may want to apply it a couple of inches past where you think the damage occurred, just to be on the safe side. 

Let the cleaner sit for about ten to fifteen minutes. Most of it should be absorbed into the towel you placed under the rug. Gently dab away an excess cleaner that still remains with a clean rag. You do not want to scrub the cleaner into your cashmere rug; this can ruin the cashmere's delicate surface. You should also not rub or brush it into the surface either, all of these can result in damage to your cashmere rug. 

Remove The Towel

Now you can remove the towel from under the rug. Be careful to not touch anywhere else on the rug with the dirty towels; you'll want to wash the towels right away. You'll also want to take a dry towel and wipe down where the wet towels were before you put down your rug. You don't want to leave any lingering moisture that could damage your rug.

Air Dry

Let your cashmere rug air dry. If you have an extra portable fan, set it up so that it is directed at the affected area to facilitate the drying process.

The above steps should remove any odor caused by your pet urinating on your cashmere rug without harming your rug. If the odor remains, you may be able to use a steam cleaner on your rug. Just check the cleaning instructions first in order to avoid damaging your rug. If you have questions, contact a company like Magic Wand Cleaning and Restoration Services.