Recovering From The FloodRecovering From The Flood

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Recovering From The Flood

There aren't many messes more overwhelming than a flood. In addition to worrying about how that moisture will affect your things long-term, you might also worry about mold and mildew growth, mud, and awful smells. When we experienced a giant house flood in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, we didn't know how we were going to cope. After we tried to clean things for a few days, we realized that we really needed the help of a professional. We contacted a damage contractor who was able to make things right in no time. On this site, you will find tips for how to clean up after a flood, so that you aren't left in a bind.

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The Reality Of Water Damage: What Every Homeowner Needs To Understand

If you are a property owner, water damage is a reality that you must consider. Some property owners mistakenly think that water damage is only a possibility for them if they live in flood-prone areas. However, significant water damages can occur as the result of water leaks, failed sump pumps, or even melting snow. When these damages occur, some property owners make another mistake of assuming that they can handle the clean-up process themselves. Professional water mitigation is ideal for water damage for a number of reasons.

Proper Inspection and Extraction

Your home will need to be inspected before water mitigation begins. This is why it is ideal to contact a professional as soon as you are aware of the damage. Delays could lead to additional losses or result in a costlier clean-up. The inspection will aid in determining the proper clean-up approach and assessing the damages. All of the water must be removed from the premises. The next approach would involve extracting water damaged portions of the home. For example, sometimes floor boards and sheetrock are damaged by standing water, and they need to be removed and replaced. 

Appropriate Drying Methods

One of the first things that do-it-yourselfers attempt to do after water damage is dry their homes out. However, their methods are not as detailed as professional water mitigation. Proper drying out is necessary because water can penetrate a number of surfaces such as wooden furniture or even the foundation of your home and weaken or warp them. Proper drying also aids in reducing the chances of mold and mildew growth.

Mold and Mildew Prevention or Remediation

It only takes a short time for mold and mildew to start to grow within water damaged properties. If you report water damage in a timely manner, it is possible that you can prevent the growth of these substances. However, sometimes the presence of mold or mildew is already present when the water mitigation process begins. If this is the case, mold remediation will be needed to protect you against additional financial losses. Mold can cause a number of health problems, and it can also wreak havoc on structures and make them uninhabitable. Some laypersons assume they do not have mold when they attempt their own water damage cleanups, but mold spores can be present and go undetected to the natural eye.

A water mitigation services company is a good resource to use to determine the extent of the damages to your property. They can also determine which clean-up approaches will protect your investment.